Quick start guide

As this is an app for websites built on the Django framework, you’ll need to have that installed. The minimum required versions are Python 2.5 (no python 3 support yet) and Django 1.2. To store the settings, you’ll need a database. Any database that’s supported by Django ORM will do.

Installing django-usersettings

There are several ways to install django-usersettings:

  • Automatically, via a package manager.
  • Manually, by downloading a copy of the release package and installing it yourself.
  • Manually, by performing a Mercurial checkout of the latest code.

It is also highly recommended that you learn to use virtualenv for development and deployment of Python software; virtualenv provides isolated Python environments into which collections of software (e.g., a copy of Django, and the necessary settings and applications for deploying a site) can be installed, without conflicting with other installed software. This makes installation, testing, management and deployment far simpler than traditional site-wide installation of Python packages.

Automatic installation via a package manager

Several automatic package-installation tools are available for Python; the most popular are easy_install and pip. Either can be used to install django-usersettings.

Using easy_install, type:

easy_install -Z django-usersettings

Note that the -Z flag is required, to tell easy_install not to create a zipped package; zipped packages prevent certain features of Django from working properly.

Using pip, type:

pip install django-usersettings

It is also possible that your operating system distributor provides a packaged version of django-usersettings. Consult your operating system’s package list for details, but be aware that third-party distributions may be providing older versions of django-usersettings, and so you should consult the documentation which comes with your operating system’s package.

Manual installation from a downloaded package

If you prefer not to use an automated package installer, you can download a copy of django-usersettings and install it manually. The latest release package can be downloaded from django-usersettings’s listing on the Python Package Index.

Once you’ve downloaded the package, unpack it (on most operating systems, simply double-click; alternately, type tar zxvf django-usersettings-0.1.tar.gz at a command line on Linux, Mac OS X or other Unix-like systems). This will create the directory django-usersettings-0.1, which contains the setup.py installation script. From a command line in that directory, type:

python setup.py install

Note that on some systems you may need to execute this with administrative privileges (e.g., sudo python setup.py install).

Manual installation from a Mercurial checkout

If you’d like to try out the latest in-development code, you can obtain it from the django-usersettings repository, which is hosted at Bitbucket and uses Mercurial for version control. To obtain the latest code and documentation, you’ll need to have Mercurial installed, at which point you can type:

hg clone http://bitbucket.org/Blue/django-usersettings/

You can also obtain a copy of a particular release of django-usersettings by specifying the -r argument to hg clone; each release is given a tag of the form vX.Y, where “X.Y” is the release number. So, for example, to check out a copy of the 0.1 release, type:

hg clone -r v0.1 http://bitbucket.org/Blue/django-usersettings/

In either case, this will create a copy of the django-usersettings Mercurial repository on your computer; you can then add the django-usersettings directory inside the checkout your Python import path, or use the setup.py script to install as a package.

Basic configuration and use

Once installed, you can add django-usersettings to any Django-based project you’re developing. Begin by adding usersettings to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your project. This is enough to get started. For more control, there are a few settings to customize things.

This optional settings can be set to the name of a database alias to store the settings in. The default is to store settings in a the default database.
A character (or string, if you’d want) that marks the grouping elements of a setting grouping string. This defaults to a colon (:), resulting in grouping strings like formatting:datetime:dates. Set it to whatever you want if you happen to find that notation perverse. These groupings can be used to filter loading settings.
Set this to the alias of a cache to speed up setting retrieval. Omitting this, or setting it to None will deactivate caching settings.
When caching settings, this is the format for the keys used to store cached settings. This uses the new string formatting available since python 2.6. The arguments passed are user and name. The default value used is usersettings_{user.id}_{name}. You should always include both a unique field of the user and the setting name to ensure that the keys are one-to-one mappings to user settings.

Setting up URLs

The app includes a Django URLconf which sets up URL patterns for the views in django-usersettings. This URLconf can be found at usersettings.urls, and so can simply be included in your project’s root URL configuration. For example, to place the URLs under the prefix /settings/, you could add the following to your project’s root URLconf:

(r'^settings/', include('usersettings.urls')),

This would then be the index page for managing settings. To completely customize the url locations, add the urlpatterns for the included views yourself. If you go down this road, do make sure that the url names are still the same.


When you use the builtin views, and you don’t specify custom locations for the templates (like when including the builtin usersettings.urls patterns as described above) make sure you create the following templates.

Note that all of these are rendered using a RequestContext and so will also receive any additional variables provided by context processors.


Used to show the form users will update their settings with.

The form instance to display to the user.

Using settings

Only thing that rests is defining settings and using them. Settings are defined by subclassing a base class called usersettings.Setting. Three method must be implemented; one that gives the default value for a setting and two others that convert a setting object (anything you want it to be) into a string to save to the database. Additionally, you’ll have to specify a name for the setting. This will be the name to retrieve the setting by. The verbose_name and description attributes are optional, they are used in the builtin views to generate pretty forms.

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from usersettings import Setting, register

class WelcomeMessageSetting(Setting):
    name = 'welcome_message'
    verbose_name = _("welcome message")
    description = _("The message you'd like to see when you enter the website.")

    def encode(self, user, setting):
        "Turn the setting object in a string to store in the database."
        return setting

    def decode(self, user, value):
        "Turn the stored string into the setting object."
        return value

    def default(self, user):
        "The default setting object."
        return 'Welcome {}'.format(user)


To allow this to be used in automatically generated forms or the included views, you should also implement two additional methods. The formfield you generate does not need to have a label or a help_text if you specified the verbose_name and description attributes on the Setting subclass.

from django import forms
from usersettings import Setting

class WelcomeMessageSetting(Setting):

    # ...

    def form_field(self, user):
        "Get a dict of formfields to change this setting."
        return forms.CharField()

    def encode_form_data(self, user, data):
        "Turn the form data into the string to store in the database."
        return self.encode(user, data)

If your setting requires several formfields to specify, use Django’s MultiValueField.

This example was intentionally very simplictic. Since the setting object is a string, the decoding and encoding does not require any work.

If you want to use custom python objects as setting values, you might like to use the PickleSetting subclass of Setting since it does not have the requirement that the raw database stored object that decode and encode use, is a string. To illustrate that the setting object can be any python object, the following example is a trimmed version of the included usersettings.contrib.FilesizeFormatSetting:

class FilesizeFormatSetting(PickleSetting):

    def encode(self, user, setting):
        if isinstance(setting, tuple) and len(setting) == 2:
            return setting
            raise ValueError

    def decode(self, user, value):
        def filesize_formatter(filesize):
            if filesize == 0:
                return '0 B'
            base = 1024 if value[1] else 1000
            # compute, and set result to the format
            return format
        return filesize_formatter

    def default(self, user):
        return (1024, True)

    def form_field(self, user):
        return MultiValueField(fields=[
            BooleanField(label='binairy prefixes', blank=True),